Thursday, August 4, 2011

I spy with my little eye,

An itty bitty cuc.


  1. I spy with my little eye: relish!

  2. Haha! I was thinking of pickling if I get enough of them!

  3. Woo hoo. I haven't grown anything for a while, but I remember the exciting feeling when you realized that you would actually have something in the garden that year!

  4. So cute! What else is coming in? All of a sudden, a ton of my cucumbers boomed, too! (We've been getting a lot of great growing storms here.) I haven't been in since Thursday when I just ran over to water it quickly. I'm excited to go in tomorrow and see what's ready for picking! : )

  5. Marty, I have one squash plant, strawberries, lettuce, 3 types of tomatoes, herbs, peppers and peas which already came and went. But it has been a slow season so far.
