Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bad blogger

Bad blogger. I'm a bit flighty - I pick things up and then leave them. I'll blog for two weeks, then ignore it. That's probably why my readership keeps slipping, that or I'm boring.

I've started a new knitting project, a simple shawl. I have "mastered" the knit stitch, the purl stitch, casting on, making scarves and hats and needed a new beginner-ish project to try. My local yarn store suggest a shawl. Frankly, the pattern is a little too easy - knit every row, front and back, increase by one stitch every other row. At the store I picked out two different yarns that I adored and the sales lady told me that they would be difficult to use at my knitting level and strongly encouraged me to get something else. I picked the sea foam yarn in the background even though I wasn't thrilled about it.

Once I started the project I quickly realized how boring both the yarn and the pattern were. So yesterday I went back to the yarn store and picked out one of the yarns I originally wanted - the dusty pink, silver, plum color change yarn in the foreground. I came home sat on the front porch in the sun and started the project over and what do you know it's so much more interesting now.


  1. I can't believe she talked you into yarn you didn't like. Goo for you for going back, I think the best way to learn is to pick a pattern that is just above your skill level and figure it out!

  2. It's amazing how something as simple as changing the look of the yarn can make a project interesting!

  3. Folks in the knitting world are questioning the conventional wisdom of using cheap, crappy yarn with crappy needles and boring projects. There are yarns you want to avoid - stuff that splits easily, doesn't pull out easily, etc., but that yarn doesn't look like much of a challenge. It does look gorgeous, however.
